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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Under Construction.  but in the meantime- .

 I do not watch sitcoms or most reality shows so if you want to discuss your favorite movie, tv show or video, please leave a comment.  Undercover Boss is actually a good show if you think your boss is evil.

People have good and evil in them and some people have more good in them than others. We also should be striving for perfection and peace instead of contemplating harm to others.  If you are conflicted and lost, look to your heart for the answer.

 1. Choose your words carefully;  i.e:   NEED v. WANT

Unless it is food/H20, clothing or shelter you do not really need it,  you want it. 

You do not need the latest fashion even though you may want it.

You do need a sweat shirt if it is cold outside and you need less clothing if it is is warm outside.

You do not need the latest fashion even though you may want it.

                                                                                  ta ta

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